real economy
HNC’s unique mission is to enter into the real economy and become a well-trusted alternative means of payment for goods and services on a global scale. HNC aims to provide a Dual-purpose Asset, fully transparent, which combines an extremely fast and secure alternative way of payment as well as an investment asset. be one of the most user-friendly and easy to use in day-to-day payments cryptocurrency in the world.
Masternodes: 99%
Miners: 1%
100 millions
Max Supply
93 millions
Total Supply
83 millions
Circulating Supply
7 millions
Available for Mining
10 millions
In Masternodes / Locked for Life
Every 3 years
1st Quarter
- Necessary immediate actions to save
HNC coin project after the extraordinary
events of November ‘21 - Formation of the new management team.
- Consultancy agreements with external.
Crypto coins Experts. - Full and complete release of ALL locked
and restricted HNC coins in total. - Decision for delisting from Gokumarket
Exchange to protect the interest
of HNC coin project and all its investors. - Enhancing of HNC developers’ team.
- Enhancing of HNC promotion team.
- Roadmap 2022 release.
2nd Quarter
HNC coin listed on a mobile digital wallet
(android & ios)Update of HNC Coin profile on Github.
Listing of HNC Coin in an additional Tier 2
Crypto exchange platform.Desktop Mac HNC native wallet release.
3rd Quarter
- Agreements with Strategic partners to
accept payments for services and
products with HNC coin. - Update of HNC Blockchain source code
to the last version of Dash coin. - Additional funds raising for the project.
- Advertising and promotion campaign.
4th Quarter
Issuance of HNC payment card in
partnership with a licenced International
provider.Roadmap 2023 release.
Learn about the features, technology and Legal Details underpinning the HNC coin.
Founded by some of the blockchain industry’s foremost builders
Considering our growth story and the niche area of operation, we get a lot of press coverage.
Be informed for all HNC's latest news, updates and more.